Cohesive color palette
The section used only three colors as the background for the information, in ways that organized it and gave it structure.
This section was part of an ongoing effort to help the Flint community affected by the water crisis.
It as intended to be a standalone section offering tips and resources.
The cover intended to showcase the utilitarian aspect fo the section by using icons but creating an illustration with all the icons used inside the section.
The 16-page product was an invaluable tool to connect the community with much needed resources.
The section used only three colors as the background for the information, in ways that organized it and gave it structure.
Instead of choosing an image that had been used before the approach for the cover was to create an illustration based on the icons that covered the different topics inside.
Nullam porta nulla non? Arcu tempus, a porttitor urna porta. Integer a turpis augue. Duis aliquet tristique nibh. Suspendisse nec vulputate nulla iaculis eu potenti.