Mailer Design


Garden Solutions


Tag and logo design

Tag shapes that are colorful and interesting for a unique brand.

The Feathered Friends brand needed a logo and tags for its seven varieties.

Taking cues from a sister brand, Chick Charms, this brand needed another identifiable character that would become its face. 

The unique leaf colors and their luxurious feather-like shape, required a mascot that would match them. A peacock was the perfect bird! Gorgeous, colorful and graceful.

The tags are a variation fo the Chick Charms tags but with a color palette that has a different intensity, it provides its own personality and identity.  

Full of personality

The peacock is friendly and full of personality, just like the chick in Chick Charms, will appear in everywhere possible to make the connection with the brand.

7 bold tags

To look for the right colors, we didn’t need to stray far, the 7 varieties have unique bold colors that are gorgeous all on their own but when they’re together it makes a bold statement.