Price Sheet


East Jordan Plastics


Print design

Four easy to browse pages

With four pages and a lot of products to showcase this price sheet is an example of what can be done with a little bit of color.

These pages play with scale and a few images of flowers to brighten up the otherwise static product shots.

Each product also contains all the information required for customers to understand the features and prices of each item.

The colors serve as background and organize the pages in a grip pattern to give the information contained in those pages a clearstructure.

Plenty of images

With over 17 images these four pages pack a punch, playing a good balance between information and ornamentation. 

Each product gets its due with plenty of space and information.

Right-sizing it

By using a standard 8.5″ x 11″ format it made printing more cost effective and faster. This product had a quick turnaround of a week which made it imperative to make things easy.

Perfect complement

Since the product images were very simple the use of flower images to complement as a background was necessary to make it stand out more and give a style flair and reference the purpose of the pots.